Brand Monk Consulting

Refund Policy

  1. No Refund Policy:

   BrandMonk Consulting does not offer refunds for payments made for digital marketing services.

  1. Acknowledgment:

   By engaging our services, you acknowledge and accept our no-refund policy.

  1. Service Delivery:

   Upon payment, BrandMonk Consulting will commence the agreed-upon services as outlined in the service agreement.

  1. Service Satisfaction:

   While we strive to provide exceptional services, satisfaction is not guaranteed, and refunds will not be issued based on service dissatisfaction.

  1. Client Responsibility:

   Clients are responsible for providing accurate and timely information required for the completion of services. Failure to do so does not entitle a refund.

  1. Exceptional Circumstances:

   In rare cases, BrandMonk Consulting may, at its discretion, consider exceptions to this policy based on extraordinary circumstances. 

Such requests should be submitted in writing to and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

  1. Project Termination:

   If a project is terminated by the client, no refunds will be provided for payments already made.

  1. Dispute Resolution:

   Any disputes arising from our services should be addressed in writing to We will endeavor to resolve disputes amicably but do not offer refunds as a resolution.

  1. Changes to RefundPolicy:

   BrandMonk Consulting reserves the right to modify this refund policy at any time. Changes will be effective upon posting on our website.

  1. Contact Us:

    For any inquiries or concerns, please contact our customer support at